Indianapolis Oasis Falls Prevention

Theresa Combs

Theresa Lynn Combs has been an instructor at Indianapolis Oasis since 2001 and she says that teaching falls prevention classes is very satisfying.

“I’m blown away by the tenacity and desire of class participants to stay on their feet and overcome their fear of falling,” she says. “I truly love knowing I am making a difference helping people assess their surroundings, feel comfortable in getting out and staying active.”

There are a number of great ways to stay on your feet!

Watch your step!

When Alice McHugh fell, breaking a bone in her foot, she was just going about her daily routine. She’s on the mend now, but more committed than ever to get back to teaching Oasis falls prevention classes.
Watch her story!

Maintaining Balance with Indianapolis Oasis

Matter of Balance

Matter of Balance

Manage falls and increase activity levels. Learn to view falls as controllable, set goals for increasing activity and make changes to reduce falls risks at home. Practice simple exercises in class and continue on your own to increase strength and balance.

View all Matter of Balance Classes

Ladies doing a fitness class

Strength, Balance and Flexibility

Exercises to increase balance, agility, flexibility, coordination and improve posture and body awareness. Resistance bands and body weights.

Bring light weights 3-8 lbs). This class will not move to the floor.

View all Strength Balance and Flexibility Classes